

Since we experienced a excessively slow progress last iteration, a lot of tasks are delayed. Nate called them overflows. This iteration we don't even have a planning meeting. We pick a few tasks from overflows, and add to it over time. After a depressing yesterday, Rock and I made a series of progresses today; we completed the whole story of sending emails to students when creating a composition assignment. The only thing that we had left out is a weird result from the postgres database. When we fetched email addresses from the database, for the sack of test, we sorted in query using "order by email_address". There were two email addresses in the result set: testor@163.com and testor2@163.com. In ascending order, we expected it to by in this order:

testor2@163.com, testor@163.com

And it came out as we expected in our Windows machine, so that all test passed. However, on Nate's Windows machine, it was in reverse order, which caused three tests failed. The encoding in the databases of both machines was the same: SQL_ASCII. And the two OS were both English version. We are still not able to figure it out. Anyway, Rock and I seemed more lucky than Nate today:-)

Since the timing in Agile Planner didn't work at all, from this week, we started to use Google Spreadsheets to keep track of every employee's work
